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jupyter notebook
pyscript简介 pyscript模块提供了将Python代码转换为JavaScript的功能。这是使用PyScript的简要介绍。有关详细信息,请参阅以下部分。
目标 使用web技术实现可视化和用户交互的Python项目有所增加。 PyScript允许用户在Python中编写JavaScript回调,实现交互的灵活/快速。
注意 PyScript修复了JS的一些怪癖,但它仍然只是JavaScript。这是一个值得关注的事项列表。此列表可能不完整。如果您打算大量使用PyScript,我们建议您熟悉JavaScript。
JavasScript有一个null(即None)的概念,以及undefined。有时您可能想要使用if x is None or x is undefined
访问不存在的属性不会引发AttributeError但会产生undefined, 这是JavaScript的特性
如果函数具有** kwargs参数或* args之后的命名参数,则函数可以接受它。将关键字传递给不处理关键字参数的函数可能会导致混淆错误。
案例 为了在notebook中实时显示python转JavaScript的过程, 我们注册一个魔法函数, 功能很简单, 就是把python代码转成JavaScript, 并显示在输出区域。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 from IPython.core.magic import register_cell_magicfrom IPython.display import Markdown@register_cell_magic def py2js (line, cell ): from pscript import py2js js= py2js(cell) return Markdown(f'```javascript\n{js} \n```' )
基本操作 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 %%py2js 3 + 4 -1 3 * 7 / 9 5 **2 pow (5 , 2 )7 // 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 var _pyfunc_pow = Math .pow ;(3 + 4 ) - 1 ; (3 * 7 ) / 9 ; Math .pow (5 , 2 );_pyfunc_pow (5 , 2 );Math .floor (7 /2 );
数据类型 1 2 3 4 5 6 %%py2js [True , False , None ] foo = [1 , 2 , 3 ] bar = {'a' : 1 , 'b' : 2 }
1 2 3 4 var bar, foo;[true , false , null ]; foo = [1 , 2 , 3 ]; bar = ({a : 1 , b : 2 });
1 2 3 4 %%py2js a = [2 ,3 ,4 ] a.sort()
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 var _pymeth_sort = function (key, reverse ) { if (!Array .isArray (this )) return this .sort .apply (this , arguments ); var comp = function (a, b ) {a = key (a); b = key (b); if (a<b) {return -1 ;} if (a>b) {return 1 ;} return 0 ;}; comp = Boolean (key) ? comp : undefined ; this .sort (comp); if (reverse) this .reverse (); }; var a;a = [2 , 3 , 4 ]; _pymeth_sort.call (a, undefined , false );
切片操作和取值 1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js foo = [1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ] foo[2 :] foo[2 :-2 ]
1 2 3 4 var foo;foo = [1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]; foo.slice (2 ); foo.slice (2 ,-2 );
1 2 3 4 %%py2js bar = 'abcdefghij' bar[2 :] bar[2 :-2 ]
1 2 3 4 var bar;bar = "abcdefghij" ; bar.slice (2 ); bar.slice (2 ,-2 );
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js foo = {'bar' : 3 } foo['bar' ] foo.bar
1 2 3 4 var foo;foo = ({bar : 3 }); foo["bar" ]; foo.bar ;
格式化字符串 1 2 3 4 %%py2js "value: %f" % val
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 var _pyfunc_format = function (v, fmt ) { fmt = fmt.toLowerCase (); var s = String (v); if (fmt.indexOf ('!r' ) >= 0 ) { try { s = JSON .stringify (v); } catch (e) { s = undefined ; } if (typeof s === 'undefined' ) { s = v._IS_COMPONENT ? v.id : String (v); } } var i0 = fmt.indexOf (':' ); if (i0 < 0 ) { } else if (fmt.indexOf ('i' , i0) > i0) { s = Number .parseInt (v).toFixed (0 ); } else if (fmt.indexOf ('f' , i0) > i0) { v = Number .parseFloat (v); var spec = fmt.slice (i0+1 , fmt.indexOf ('f' , i0)); var decimals = 6 ; if (spec.indexOf ('.' ) >= 0 ) { var decimals = Number (spec.slice (spec.indexOf ('.' )+1 )); } s = v.toFixed (decimals); } else if (fmt.indexOf ('e' , i0) > i0) { v = Number .parseFloat (v); var precision = 6 ; var spec = fmt.slice (i0+1 , fmt.indexOf ('e' , i0)); if (spec.indexOf ('.' ) >= 0 ) { precision = Number (spec.slice (spec.indexOf ('.' )+1 )) || 1 ; } s = v.toExponential (precision); } else if (fmt.indexOf ('g' , i0) > i0) { v = Number .parseFloat (v); var precision = 6 ; var spec = fmt.slice (i0+1 , fmt.indexOf ('g' , i0)); if (spec.indexOf ('.' ) >= 0 ) { precision = Number (spec.slice (spec.indexOf ('.' )+1 )) || 1 ; } s = v.toExponential (precision-1 ); var s1 = s.slice (0 , s.indexOf ('e' )), s2 = s.slice (s.indexOf ('e' )); if (s2.length == 3 ) { s2 = 'e' + s2[1 ] + '0' + s2[2 ]; } var exp = Number (s2.slice (1 )); if (exp >= -4 && exp < precision) { s1=v.toPrecision (precision); s2='' ; } var j = s1.length -1 ; while (j>0 && s1[j] == '0' ) { j-=1 ; } s1 = s1.slice (0 , j+1 ); if (s1.endsWith ('.' )) { s1 = s1.slice (0 , s1.length -1 ); } s = s1 + s2; } if (i0 >= 0 && v > 0 ) { if (fmt[i0+1 ] == '+' ) { s = '+' + s; } if (fmt[i0+1 ] == ' ' ) { s = ' ' + s; } } return s; }; var _pymeth_format = function ( ) { if (this .constructor !== String ) return this .format .apply (this , arguments ); var parts = [], i = 0 , i1, i2; var itemnr = -1 ; while (i < this .length ) { i1 = this .indexOf ('{' , i); if (i1 < 0 || i1 == this .length -1 ) { break ; } if (this [i1+1 ] == '{' ) {parts.push (this .slice (i, i1+1 )); i = i1 + 2 ; continue ;} i2 = this .indexOf ('}' , i1); if (i2 < 0 ) { break ; } itemnr += 1 ; var fmt = this .slice (i1+1 , i2); var index = fmt.split (':' )[0 ].split ('!' )[0 ]; index = index? Number (index) : itemnr var s = _pyfunc_format (arguments [index], fmt); parts.push (this .slice (i, i1), s); i = i2 + 1 ; } parts.push (this .slice (i)); return parts.join ('' ); }; _pymeth_format.call ("value: {:f}" , val);
1 2 3 %%py2js '{a}' .format (a)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 var _pyfunc_format = function (v, fmt ) { fmt = fmt.toLowerCase (); var s = String (v); if (fmt.indexOf ('!r' ) >= 0 ) { try { s = JSON .stringify (v); } catch (e) { s = undefined ; } if (typeof s === 'undefined' ) { s = v._IS_COMPONENT ? v.id : String (v); } } var i0 = fmt.indexOf (':' ); if (i0 < 0 ) { } else if (fmt.indexOf ('i' , i0) > i0) { s = Number .parseInt (v).toFixed (0 ); } else if (fmt.indexOf ('f' , i0) > i0) { v = Number .parseFloat (v); var spec = fmt.slice (i0+1 , fmt.indexOf ('f' , i0)); var decimals = 6 ; if (spec.indexOf ('.' ) >= 0 ) { var decimals = Number (spec.slice (spec.indexOf ('.' )+1 )); } s = v.toFixed (decimals); } else if (fmt.indexOf ('e' , i0) > i0) { v = Number .parseFloat (v); var precision = 6 ; var spec = fmt.slice (i0+1 , fmt.indexOf ('e' , i0)); if (spec.indexOf ('.' ) >= 0 ) { precision = Number (spec.slice (spec.indexOf ('.' )+1 )) || 1 ; } s = v.toExponential (precision); } else if (fmt.indexOf ('g' , i0) > i0) { v = Number .parseFloat (v); var precision = 6 ; var spec = fmt.slice (i0+1 , fmt.indexOf ('g' , i0)); if (spec.indexOf ('.' ) >= 0 ) { precision = Number (spec.slice (spec.indexOf ('.' )+1 )) || 1 ; } s = v.toExponential (precision-1 ); var s1 = s.slice (0 , s.indexOf ('e' )), s2 = s.slice (s.indexOf ('e' )); if (s2.length == 3 ) { s2 = 'e' + s2[1 ] + '0' + s2[2 ]; } var exp = Number (s2.slice (1 )); if (exp >= -4 && exp < precision) { s1=v.toPrecision (precision); s2='' ; } var j = s1.length -1 ; while (j>0 && s1[j] == '0' ) { j-=1 ; } s1 = s1.slice (0 , j+1 ); if (s1.endsWith ('.' )) { s1 = s1.slice (0 , s1.length -1 ); } s = s1 + s2; } if (i0 >= 0 && v > 0 ) { if (fmt[i0+1 ] == '+' ) { s = '+' + s; } if (fmt[i0+1 ] == ' ' ) { s = ' ' + s; } } return s; }; var _pymeth_format = function ( ) { if (this .constructor !== String ) return this .format .apply (this , arguments ); var parts = [], i = 0 , i1, i2; var itemnr = -1 ; while (i < this .length ) { i1 = this .indexOf ('{' , i); if (i1 < 0 || i1 == this .length -1 ) { break ; } if (this [i1+1 ] == '{' ) {parts.push (this .slice (i, i1+1 )); i = i1 + 2 ; continue ;} i2 = this .indexOf ('}' , i1); if (i2 < 0 ) { break ; } itemnr += 1 ; var fmt = this .slice (i1+1 , i2); var index = fmt.split (':' )[0 ].split ('!' )[0 ]; index = index? Number (index) : itemnr var s = _pyfunc_format (arguments [index], fmt); parts.push (this .slice (i, i1), s); i = i2 + 1 ; } parts.push (this .slice (i)); return parts.join ('' ); }; _pymeth_format.call ("{a}" , a);
1 2 3 var a1, a2, a3, stub1_;stub1_ = a; a1 = stub1_[0 ];a2 = stub1_[1 ];a3 = stub1_[2 ];
1 2 var foo;foo = new Foo ();
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 var _pyfunc_op_equals = function op_equals (a, b) { if (a == null || b == null ) { } else if (Array .isArray (a) && Array .isArray (b)) { var i = 0 , iseq = a.length == b.length ; while (iseq && i < a.length ) {iseq = op_equals (a[i], b[i]); i+=1 ;} return iseq; } else if (a.constructor === Object && b.constructor === Object ) { var akeys = Object .keys (a), bkeys = Object .keys (b); akeys.sort (); bkeys.sort (); var i=0 , k, iseq = op_equals (akeys, bkeys); while (iseq && i < akeys.length ) {k=akeys[i]; iseq = op_equals (a[k], b[k]); i+=1 ;} return iseq; } return a == b; }; _pyfunc_op_equals (foo, bar);
1 2 3 4 %%py2js (2 , 3 , 4 ) == (2 , 3 , 4 ) (2 , 3 ) in [(1 ,2 ), (2 ,3 ), (3 ,4 )]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 var _pyfunc_op_contains = function op_contains (a, b) { if (b == null ) { } else if (Array .isArray (b)) { for (var i=0 ; i<b.length ; i++) {if (_pyfunc_op_equals (a, b[i])) return true ;} return false ; } else if (b.constructor === Object ) { for (var k in b) {if (a == k) return true ;} return false ; } else if (b.constructor == String ) { return b.indexOf (a) >= 0 ; } var e = Error ('Not a container: ' + b); e.name ='TypeError' ; throw e; }; var _pyfunc_op_equals = function op_equals (a, b) { if (a == null || b == null ) { } else if (Array .isArray (a) && Array .isArray (b)) { var i = 0 , iseq = a.length == b.length ; while (iseq && i < a.length ) {iseq = op_equals (a[i], b[i]); i+=1 ;} return iseq; } else if (a.constructor === Object && b.constructor === Object ) { var akeys = Object .keys (a), bkeys = Object .keys (b); akeys.sort (); bkeys.sort (); var i=0 , k, iseq = op_equals (akeys, bkeys); while (iseq && i < akeys.length ) {k=akeys[i]; iseq = op_equals (a[k], b[k]); i+=1 ;} return iseq; } return a == b; }; _pyfunc_op_equals ([2 , 3 , 4 ], [2 , 3 , 4 ]);_pyfunc_op_contains ([2 , 3 ], ([[1 , 2 ], [2 , 3 ], [3 , 4 ]]));
1 2 3 %%py2js foo is undefined
1 2 3 %%py2js "foo" in "this has foo in it"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 var _pyfunc_op_contains = function op_contains (a, b) { if (b == null ) { } else if (Array .isArray (b)) { for (var i=0 ; i<b.length ; i++) {if (_pyfunc_op_equals (a, b[i])) return true ;} return false ; } else if (b.constructor === Object ) { for (var k in b) {if (a == k) return true ;} return false ; } else if (b.constructor == String ) { return b.indexOf (a) >= 0 ; } var e = Error ('Not a container: ' + b); e.name ='TypeError' ; throw e; }; var _pyfunc_op_equals = function op_equals (a, b) { if (a == null || b == null ) { } else if (Array .isArray (a) && Array .isArray (b)) { var i = 0 , iseq = a.length == b.length ; while (iseq && i < a.length ) {iseq = op_equals (a[i], b[i]); i+=1 ;} return iseq; } else if (a.constructor === Object && b.constructor === Object ) { var akeys = Object .keys (a), bkeys = Object .keys (b); akeys.sort (); bkeys.sort (); var i=0 , k, iseq = op_equals (akeys, bkeys); while (iseq && i < akeys.length ) {k=akeys[i]; iseq = op_equals (a[k], b[k]); i+=1 ;} return iseq; } return a == b; }; _pyfunc_op_contains ("foo" , "this has foo in it" );
1 2 3 %%py2js 3 in [0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 var _pyfunc_op_contains = function op_contains (a, b) { if (b == null ) { } else if (Array .isArray (b)) { for (var i=0 ; i<b.length ; i++) {if (_pyfunc_op_equals (a, b[i])) return true ;} return false ; } else if (b.constructor === Object ) { for (var k in b) {if (a == k) return true ;} return false ; } else if (b.constructor == String ) { return b.indexOf (a) >= 0 ; } var e = Error ('Not a container: ' + b); e.name ='TypeError' ; throw e; }; var _pyfunc_op_equals = function op_equals (a, b) { if (a == null || b == null ) { } else if (Array .isArray (a) && Array .isArray (b)) { var i = 0 , iseq = a.length == b.length ; while (iseq && i < a.length ) {iseq = op_equals (a[i], b[i]); i+=1 ;} return iseq; } else if (a.constructor === Object && b.constructor === Object ) { var akeys = Object .keys (a), bkeys = Object .keys (b); akeys.sort (); bkeys.sort (); var i=0 , k, iseq = op_equals (akeys, bkeys); while (iseq && i < akeys.length ) {k=akeys[i]; iseq = op_equals (a[k], b[k]); i+=1 ;} return iseq; } return a == b; }; _pyfunc_op_contains (3 , [0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 ]);
Truthy和Falsy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 %%py2js 0 NaN "" None undefined [] {}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 ;NaN ;"" ;null ;undefined ;[]; ({});
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js a = [] a = a or [1 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 var _pyfunc_truthy = function (v ) { if (v === null || typeof v !== "object" ) {return v;} else if (v.length !== undefined ) {return v.length ? v : false ;} else if (v.byteLength !== undefined ) {return v.byteLength ? v : false ;} else if (v.constructor !== Object ) {return true ;} else {return Object .getOwnPropertyNames (v).length ? v : false ;} }; var a;a = []; a = _pyfunc_truthy (a) || [1 ];
if语句 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 %%py2js if val > 7 : result = 42 elif val > 1 : result = 1 else : result = 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 var result;if ((val > 7 )) { result = 42 ; } else if ((val > 1 )) { result = 1 ; } else { result = 0 ; }
循环 1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js val = 0 while val < 10 : val += 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 var _pyfunc_op_add = function (a, b ) { if (Array .isArray (a) && Array .isArray (b)) { return a.concat (b); } return a + b; }; var val;val = 0 ; while (val < 10 ) { val = _pyfunc_op_add (val, 1 ); }
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js for i in range (10 ): print (i)
1 2 3 4 var i;for (i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i += 1 ) { console .log (i); }
1 2 3 4 %%py2js for i in range (100 , 10 , -2 ): print (i)
1 2 3 4 var i;for (i = 100 ; i > 10 ; i += -2 ) { console .log (i); }
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js for i in range (len (arr)): print (arr[i])
1 2 3 4 var i;for (i = 0 ; i < arr.length ; i += 1 ) { console .log (arr[i]); }
1 2 3 4 %%py2js for element in arr: print (element)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 var element, stub1_seq, stub2_itr;stub1_seq = arr; if ((typeof stub1_seq === "object" ) && (!Array .isArray (stub1_seq))) { stub1_seq = Object .keys (stub1_seq);}for (stub2_itr = 0 ; stub2_itr < stub1_seq.length ; stub2_itr += 1 ) { element = stub1_seq[stub2_itr]; console .log (element); }
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js for char in "foo bar" : print (c)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 var char, stub1_seq, stub2_itr;stub1_seq = "foo bar" ; if ((typeof stub1_seq === "object" ) && (!Array .isArray (stub1_seq))) { stub1_seq = Object .keys (stub1_seq);}for (stub2_itr = 0 ; stub2_itr < stub1_seq.length ; stub2_itr += 1 ) { char = stub1_seq[stub2_itr]; console .log (c); }
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js for i, j in [[1 , 2 ], [3 , 4 ]]: print (i+j)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 var _pyfunc_op_add = function (a, b ) { if (Array .isArray (a) && Array .isArray (b)) { return a.concat (b); } return a + b; }; var i, j, stub1_seq, stub2_itr, stub3_tgt;stub1_seq = [[1 , 2 ], [3 , 4 ]]; if ((typeof stub1_seq === "object" ) && (!Array .isArray (stub1_seq))) { stub1_seq = Object .keys (stub1_seq);}for (stub2_itr = 0 ; stub2_itr < stub1_seq.length ; stub2_itr += 1 ) { stub3_tgt = stub1_seq[stub2_itr]; i = stub3_tgt[0 ]; j = stub3_tgt[1 ]; console .log (_pyfunc_op_add (i, j)); }
支持用于迭代的Buildin函数:enumerate, zip, reversed, sorted, filter, map
1 2 3 4 %%py2js for i, x in enumerate (foo): print (i, x)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 var _pyfunc_enumerate = function (iter ) { var i, res=[]; if ((typeof iter==="object" ) && (!Array .isArray (iter))) {iter = Object .keys (iter);} for (i=0 ; i<iter.length ; i++) {res.push ([i, iter[i]]);} return res; }; var i, stub1_seq, stub2_itr, stub3_tgt, x;stub1_seq = _pyfunc_enumerate (foo); if ((typeof stub1_seq === "object" ) && (!Array .isArray (stub1_seq))) { stub1_seq = Object .keys (stub1_seq);}for (stub2_itr = 0 ; stub2_itr < stub1_seq.length ; stub2_itr += 1 ) { stub3_tgt = stub1_seq[stub2_itr]; i = stub3_tgt[0 ]; x = stub3_tgt[1 ]; console .log (i + " " + x); }
1 2 3 4 %%py2js for a, b in zip (foo, bar): pass
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 var _pyfunc_zip = function ( ) { var i, j, tup, arg, args = [], res = [], len = 1e20 ; for (i=0 ; i<arguments .length ; i++) { arg = arguments [i]; if ((typeof arg==="object" ) && (!Array .isArray (arg))) {arg = Object .keys (arg);} args.push (arg); len = Math .min (len, arg.length ); } for (j=0 ; j<len; j++) { tup = [] for (i=0 ; i<args.length ; i++) {tup.push (args[i][j]);} res.push (tup); } return res; }; var a, b, stub1_seq, stub2_itr, stub3_tgt;stub1_seq = _pyfunc_zip (foo, bar); if ((typeof stub1_seq === "object" ) && (!Array .isArray (stub1_seq))) { stub1_seq = Object .keys (stub1_seq);}for (stub2_itr = 0 ; stub2_itr < stub1_seq.length ; stub2_itr += 1 ) { stub3_tgt = stub1_seq[stub2_itr]; a = stub3_tgt[0 ]; b = stub3_tgt[1 ]; }
1 2 3 4 %%py2js for x in reversed (sorted (foo)): pass
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 var _pyfunc_reversed = function (iter ) { if ((typeof iter==="object" ) && (!Array .isArray (iter))) {iter = Object .keys (iter);} return iter.slice ().reverse (); }; var _pyfunc_sorted = function (iter, key, reverse ) { if ((typeof iter==="object" ) && (!Array .isArray (iter))) {iter = Object .keys (iter);} var comp = function (a, b ) {a = key (a); b = key (b); if (a<b) {return -1 ;} if (a>b) {return 1 ;} return 0 ;}; comp = Boolean (key) ? comp : undefined ; iter = iter.slice ().sort (comp); if (reverse) iter.reverse (); return iter; }; var stub1_seq, stub2_itr, x;stub1_seq = _pyfunc_reversed (_pyfunc_sorted (foo, undefined , false )); if ((typeof stub1_seq === "object" ) && (!Array .isArray (stub1_seq))) { stub1_seq = Object .keys (stub1_seq);}for (stub2_itr = 0 ; stub2_itr < stub1_seq.length ; stub2_itr += 1 ) { x = stub1_seq[stub2_itr]; }
1 2 3 4 %%py2js for x in map (lambda x: x+1 , foo): pass
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 var _pyfunc_map = function (func, iter ) { if (typeof func === "undefined" || func === null ) {func = function (x ) {return x;}} if ((typeof iter==="object" ) && (!Array .isArray (iter))) {iter = Object .keys (iter);} return iter.map (func); }; var stub1_seq, stub2_itr, x;stub1_seq = _pyfunc_map ((function (x ) {return x + 1 ;}), foo); if ((typeof stub1_seq === "object" ) && (!Array .isArray (stub1_seq))) { stub1_seq = Object .keys (stub1_seq);}for (stub2_itr = 0 ; stub2_itr < stub1_seq.length ; stub2_itr += 1 ) { x = stub1_seq[stub2_itr]; }
1 2 3 4 %%py2js for x in filter (lambda x: x>0 , foo): pass
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 var _pyfunc_filter = function (func, iter ) { if (typeof func === "undefined" || func === null ) {func = function (x ) {return x;}} if ((typeof iter==="object" ) && (!Array .isArray (iter))) {iter = Object .keys (iter);} return iter.filter (func); }; var stub1_seq, stub2_itr, x;stub1_seq = _pyfunc_filter ((function (x ) {return x > 0 ;}), foo); if ((typeof stub1_seq === "object" ) && (!Array .isArray (stub1_seq))) { stub1_seq = Object .keys (stub1_seq);}for (stub2_itr = 0 ; stub2_itr < stub1_seq.length ; stub2_itr += 1 ) { x = stub1_seq[stub2_itr]; }
list 推导 1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js x = [i*2 for i in some_array if i>0 ] y = [i*j for i in a for j in b]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 var _pyfunc_op_mult = function (a, b ) { if ((typeof a === 'number' ) + (typeof b === 'number' ) === 1 ) { if (a.constructor === String ) return _pymeth_repeat.call (a, b); if (b.constructor === String ) return _pymeth_repeat.call (b, a); if (Array .isArray (b)) {var t=a; a=b; b=t;} if (Array .isArray (a)) { var res = []; for (var i=0 ; i<b; i++) res = res.concat (a); return res; } } return a * b; }; var _pymeth_repeat = function (count ) { if (this .repeat ) return this .repeat (count); if (count < 1 ) return '' ; var result = '' , pattern = this .valueOf (); while (count > 1 ) { if (count & 1 ) result += pattern; count >>= 1 , pattern += pattern; } return result + pattern; }; var stub1_, stub1_i, stub1_i0, stub1_iter0, stub2_, stub2_i, stub2_i0, stub2_i1, stub2_iter0, stub2_iter1, stub2_j, x, y;stub1_ = [];stub1_iter0 = some_array;if ((typeof stub1_iter0 === "object" ) && (!Array .isArray (stub1_iter0))) {stub1_iter0 = Object .keys (stub1_iter0);}for (stub1_i0=0 ; stub1_i0<stub1_iter0.length ; stub1_i0++) {stub1_i = stub1_iter0[stub1_i0];if (!((stub1_i > 0 ))) {continue ;}{stub1_.push (_pyfunc_op_mult (stub1_i, 2 ));}} x = stub1_; stub2_ = [];stub2_iter0 = a;if ((typeof stub2_iter0 === "object" ) && (!Array .isArray (stub2_iter0))) {stub2_iter0 = Object .keys (stub2_iter0);}for (stub2_i0=0 ; stub2_i0<stub2_iter0.length ; stub2_i0++) {stub2_i = stub2_iter0[stub2_i0];stub2_iter1 = b;if ((typeof stub2_iter1 === "object" ) && (!Array .isArray (stub2_iter1))) {stub2_iter1 = Object .keys (stub2_iter1);}for (stub2_i1=0 ; stub2_i1<stub2_iter1.length ; stub2_i1++) {stub2_j = stub2_iter1[stub2_i1];{stub2_.push (_pyfunc_op_mult (stub2_i, stub2_j));}}} y = stub2_;
定义函数 1 2 3 4 %%py2js def display (val ): print (val)
1 2 3 4 5 6 var display;display = function flx_display (val) { console .log (val); return null ; };
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js def foo (x, *values ): bar(x+1 , *values)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 var foo;foo = function flx_foo (x) { var values; values = Array .prototype .slice .call (arguments , 1 ); bar.apply (null , [].concat ([x + 1 ], values)); return null ; };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 %%py2js def bar (a, b ): RawJS(''' var c = 4; return a + b + c; ''' )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 var bar;bar = function flx_bar (a, b) { var c = 4 ; return a + b + c;; return null ; };
1 2 3 4 %%py2js foo = lambda x: x**2
1 2 var foo;foo = function (x ) {return Math .pow (x, 2 );};
定义类 类被转换为JavaScript原型类paragigm,这意味着它们应该可以很好地与其他JS库一起使用。支持继承,但不支持多重继承。此外,super()的工作方式与Python 3相同。
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js class Foo : a_class_attribute = 4 def __init__ (self ): self.x = 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 var _pyfunc_op_instantiate = function (ob, args ) { if ((typeof ob === "undefined" ) || (typeof window !== "undefined" && window === ob) || (typeof global !== "undefined" && global === ob)) {throw "Class constructor is called as a function." ;} for (var name in ob) { if (Object [name] === undefined && typeof ob[name] === 'function' && !ob[name].nobind ) { ob[name] = ob[name].bind (ob); ob[name].__name__ = name; } } if (ob.__init__ ) { ob.__init__ .apply (ob, args); } }; var Foo ;Foo = function ( ) { _pyfunc_op_instantiate (this , arguments ); } Foo .prototype ._base_class = Object ;Foo .prototype .__name__ = "Foo" ;Foo .prototype .a_class_attribute = 4 ;Foo .prototype .__init__ = function ( ) { this .x = 3 ; return null ; };
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 %%py2js class Bar (Foo ): def __init__ (self ): super .__init__() self.x += 1 def add1 (self ): self.x += 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 var _pyfunc_op_add = function (a, b ) { if (Array .isArray (a) && Array .isArray (b)) { return a.concat (b); } return a + b; }; var _pyfunc_op_instantiate = function (ob, args ) { if ((typeof ob === "undefined" ) || (typeof window !== "undefined" && window === ob) || (typeof global !== "undefined" && global === ob)) {throw "Class constructor is called as a function." ;} for (var name in ob) { if (Object [name] === undefined && typeof ob[name] === 'function' && !ob[name].nobind ) { ob[name] = ob[name].bind (ob); ob[name].__name__ = name; } } if (ob.__init__ ) { ob.__init__ .apply (ob, args); } }; var Bar ;Bar = function ( ) { _pyfunc_op_instantiate (this , arguments ); } Bar .prototype = Object .create (Foo .prototype );Bar .prototype ._base_class = Foo .prototype ;Bar .prototype .__name__ = "Bar" ;Bar .prototype .__init__ = function ( ) { super .__init__ (); this .x = _pyfunc_op_add (this .x , 1 ); return null ; }; Bar .prototype .add1 = function ( ) { this .x = _pyfunc_op_add (this .x , 1 ); return null ; };
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js b = Bar() setTimeout(b.add1, 1000 )
1 2 3 var b;b = new Bar (); setTimeout (b.add1 , 1000 );
1 2 3 4 5 6 %%py2js class Spam (Bar ): def add_later (self ): setTimeout(lambda ev: self.add1(), 1000 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 var _pyfunc_op_instantiate = function (ob, args ) { if ((typeof ob === "undefined" ) || (typeof window !== "undefined" && window === ob) || (typeof global !== "undefined" && global === ob)) {throw "Class constructor is called as a function." ;} for (var name in ob) { if (Object [name] === undefined && typeof ob[name] === 'function' && !ob[name].nobind ) { ob[name] = ob[name].bind (ob); ob[name].__name__ = name; } } if (ob.__init__ ) { ob.__init__ .apply (ob, args); } }; var Spam ;Spam = function ( ) { _pyfunc_op_instantiate (this , arguments ); } Spam .prototype = Object .create (Bar .prototype );Spam .prototype ._base_class = Bar .prototype ;Spam .prototype .__name__ = "Spam" ;Spam .prototype .add_later = function ( ) { setTimeout ((function (ev ) {return this .add1 ();}).bind (this ), 1000 ); return null ; };
异常 引发的异常将转换为JavaScript Error对象,其name属性设置为引发的异常类型。捕获异常时,将检查name属性(如果它是一个Error对象)。您可以raise
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 %%py2js raise SomeError('asd' )raise AnotherError()raise "In JS you can throw anything" raise 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 var _pyfunc_op_error = function (etype, msg ) { var e = new Error (etype + ': ' + msg); e.name = etype return e; }; var err_0;throw _pyfunc_op_error ('SomeError' , "asd" );throw _pyfunc_op_error ('AnotherError' , "" );throw "In JS you can throw anything" ;throw 4 ;
1 2 3 4 %%py2js assert foo == 3 assert bar == 4 , "bar should be 4"
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 var _pyfunc_op_equals = function op_equals (a, b) { if (a == null || b == null ) { } else if (Array .isArray (a) && Array .isArray (b)) { var i = 0 , iseq = a.length == b.length ; while (iseq && i < a.length ) {iseq = op_equals (a[i], b[i]); i+=1 ;} return iseq; } else if (a.constructor === Object && b.constructor === Object ) { var akeys = Object .keys (a), bkeys = Object .keys (b); akeys.sort (); bkeys.sort (); var i=0 , k, iseq = op_equals (akeys, bkeys); while (iseq && i < akeys.length ) {k=akeys[i]; iseq = op_equals (a[k], b[k]); i+=1 ;} return iseq; } return a == b; }; var _pyfunc_op_error = function (etype, msg ) { var e = new Error (etype + ': ' + msg); e.name = etype return e; }; if (!(_pyfunc_op_equals (foo, 3 ))) { throw _pyfunc_op_error ('AssertionError' , "_pyfunc_op_equals(foo, 3)" );}if (!(_pyfunc_op_equals (bar, 4 ))) { throw _pyfunc_op_error ('AssertionError' , "\"bar should be 4\"" );}
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 %%py2js try : raise IndexError('blabla' ) except IndexError as err: print (err) except Exception: print ('something went wrong' )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 var _pyfunc_op_error = function (etype, msg ) { var e = new Error (etype + ': ' + msg); e.name = etype return e; }; var err, err_1;try { throw _pyfunc_op_error ('IndexError' , "blabla" ); } catch (err_1) { if (err_1 instanceof Error && err_1.name === "IndexError" ) { err = err_1; console .log (err); } else { console .log ("something went wrong" ); } }
python内置函数 大多数buildin函数(在JS中有意义的)会自动转换为JavaScript的内建函数:isinstance,issubclass,callable,hasattr,getattr,setattr,delattr,print,len,max,min,chr,ord,dict,list,tuple,range, pow,sum,round,int,float,str,bool,abs,divmod,all,any,enumerate,zip,reversed,sorted,filtered,map。
1 2 3 4 %%py2js print ('some test' )print (a, b, c, sep='-' )
1 2 console .log ("some test" );console .log (a + "-" + b + "-" + c);
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js round (foo) int (foo) abs (foo)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 var _pyfunc_abs = Math .abs ;var _pyfunc_int = function (x ) { return x<0 ? Math .ceil (x): Math .floor (x); }; var _pyfunc_round = Math .round ;_pyfunc_round (foo);_pyfunc_int (foo);_pyfunc_abs (foo);
1 2 3 4 5 6 %%py2js min (foo)min (a, b, c)max (foo)max (a, b, c)
1 2 3 4 Math .min .apply (null , foo);Math .min (a, b, c);Math .max .apply (null , foo);Math .max (a, b, c);
1 2 3 %%py2js a, b = divmod (100 , 7 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 var _pyfunc_divmod = function (x, y ) { var m = x % y; return [(x-m)/y, m]; }; var a, b, stub1_;stub1_ = _pyfunc_divmod (100 , 7 ); a = stub1_[0 ];b = stub1_[1 ];
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js sum (foo)all (foo)any (foo)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 var _pyfunc_all = function (x ) { for (var i=0 ; i<x.length ; i++) { if (!_pyfunc_truthy (x[i])){return false ;} } return true ; }; var _pyfunc_any = function (x ) { for (var i=0 ; i<x.length ; i++) { if (_pyfunc_truthy (x[i])){return true ;} } return false ; }; var _pyfunc_sum = function (x ) { return x.reduce (function (a, b ) {return a + b;}); }; var _pyfunc_truthy = function (v ) { if (v === null || typeof v !== "object" ) {return v;} else if (v.length !== undefined ) {return v.length ? v : false ;} else if (v.byteLength !== undefined ) {return v.byteLength ? v : false ;} else if (v.constructor !== Object ) {return true ;} else {return Object .getOwnPropertyNames (v).length ? v : false ;} }; _pyfunc_sum (foo);_pyfunc_all (foo);_pyfunc_any (foo);
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 %%py2js str (s)float (x)bool (y)int (z) chr (65 ) ord ('A' )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 var _pyfunc_bool = function (x ) { return Boolean (_pyfunc_truthy (x)); }; var _pyfunc_float = Number ;var _pyfunc_int = function (x ) { return x<0 ? Math .ceil (x): Math .floor (x); }; var _pyfunc_str = String ;var _pyfunc_truthy = function (v ) { if (v === null || typeof v !== "object" ) {return v;} else if (v.length !== undefined ) {return v.length ? v : false ;} else if (v.byteLength !== undefined ) {return v.byteLength ? v : false ;} else if (v.constructor !== Object ) {return true ;} else {return Object .getOwnPropertyNames (v).length ? v : false ;} }; _pyfunc_str (s);_pyfunc_float (x);_pyfunc_bool (y);_pyfunc_int (z);String .fromCharCode (65 );"A" .charCodeAt (0 );
1 2 3 4 5 6 %%py2js dict ([['foo' , 1 ], ['bar' , 2 ]]) list ('abc' ) dict (other_dict) list (other_list)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 var _pyfunc_dict = function (x ) { var t, i, keys, r={}; if (Array .isArray (x)) { for (i=0 ; i<x.length ; i++) { t=x[i]; r[t[0 ]] = t[1 ]; } } else { keys = Object .keys (x); for (i=0 ; i<keys.length ; i++) { t=keys[i]; r[t] = x[t]; } } return r; }; var _pyfunc_list = function (x ) { var r=[]; if (typeof x==="object" && !Array .isArray (x)) {x = Object .keys (x)} for (var i=0 ; i<x.length ; i++) { r.push (x[i]); } return r; }; _pyfunc_dict (([["foo" , 1 ], ["bar" , 2 ]]));_pyfunc_list ("abc" );_pyfunc_dict (other_dict);_pyfunc_list (other_list);
isinstance相关功能 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 %%py2js isinstance (3 , float ) isinstance ('' , str )isinstance ([], list )isinstance ({}, dict )isinstance (foo, types.FunctionType)
1 2 3 4 5 Object .prototype .toString .call (3 ).slice (8 ,-1 ).toLowerCase () === 'number' ;Object .prototype .toString .call ("" ).slice (8 ,-1 ).toLowerCase () === 'string' ;Array .isArray ([]);Object .prototype .toString .call (({})).slice (8 ,-1 ).toLowerCase () === 'object' ;Object .prototype .toString .call (foo).slice (8 ,-1 ).toLowerCase () === 'function' ;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 %%py2js isinstance (3 , 'number' )isinstance ('' , 'string' )isinstance ([], 'array' )isinstance ({}, 'object' )isinstance (foo, 'function' )
1 2 3 4 5 Object .prototype .toString .call (3 ).slice (8 ,-1 ).toLowerCase () === 'number' ;Object .prototype .toString .call ("" ).slice (8 ,-1 ).toLowerCase () === 'string' ;Array .isArray ([]);Object .prototype .toString .call (({})).slice (8 ,-1 ).toLowerCase () === 'object' ;Object .prototype .toString .call (foo).slice (8 ,-1 ).toLowerCase () === 'function' ;
1 2 3 4 5 %%py2js isinstance (x, MyClass)isinstance (x, 'MyClass' ) isinstance (x, 'Object' )
1 2 3 x instanceof MyClass ; x instanceof MyClass ; Object .prototype .toString .call (x).slice (8 ,-1 ).toLowerCase () === 'object' ;
1 2 3 %%py2js issubclass (Foo, Bar)
1 (Foo .prototype instanceof Bar );
1 (typeof foo === "function" );
hasattr, getattr, setattr and delattr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 %%py2js a = {'foo' : 1 , 'bar' : 2 } hasattr (a, 'foo' ) hasattr (a, 'fooo' ) hasattr (null, 'foo' ) getattr (a, 'foo' ) getattr (a, 'fooo' ) getattr (a, 'fooo' , 3 ) getattr (null, 'foo' , 3 )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 var _pyfunc_getattr = function (ob, name, deflt ) { var has_attr = ob !== undefined && ob !== null && ob[name] !== undefined ; if (has_attr) {return ob[name];} else if (arguments .length == 3 ) {return deflt;} else {var e = Error (name); e.name ='AttributeError' ; throw e;} }; var _pyfunc_hasattr = function (ob, name ) { return (ob !== undefined ) && (ob !== null ) && (ob[name] !== undefined ); }; var a;a = ({foo : 1 , bar : 2 }); _pyfunc_hasattr (a, "foo" );_pyfunc_hasattr (a, "fooo" );_pyfunc_hasattr (null , "foo" );_pyfunc_getattr (a, "foo" );_pyfunc_getattr (a, "fooo" );_pyfunc_getattr (a, "fooo" , 3 );_pyfunc_getattr (null , "foo" , 3 );
1 2 3 %%py2js setattr (a, 'foo' , 2 )
1 2 3 4 var _pyfunc_setattr = function (ob, name, value ) { ob[name] = value; }; _pyfunc_setattr (a, "foo" , 2 );
1 2 3 %%py2js delattr (a, 'foo' )
1 2 3 4 var _pyfunc_delattr = function (ob, name ) { delete ob[name]; }; _pyfunc_delattr (a, "foo" );
使用JS专属功能 在Python模块中编写PyScript时,我们建议在使用特定JavaScript功能的地方,引用以window为前缀。其中window表示全局JS命名空间。所有全局JavaScript对象/函数和变量都自动成为window对象的成员。这有助于明确该功能是JS特有的,还有助于像flake8这样的静态代码分析工具。
除了window, flexx.pyscript 也提供 undefined, Inifinity, 和 NaN.
1 2 3 4 %%py2js def foo (a ): return window.Math.cos(a)
1 2 3 4 5 var foo;foo = function flx_foo (a) { return window .Math .cos (a); };
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