Please note: This is a new component, and is subject to change.
The microphone component provides a way to record sound during an experiment. To do so, specify the starting time relative to the start of the routine (see start below) and a stop time (= duration in seconds). A blank duration evaluates to recording for 0.000s.
The resulting sound files are saved in .wav format (at 48000 Hz, 16 bit), one file per recording. The files appear in a new folder within the data directory (the subdirectory name ends in _wav). The file names include the unix (epoch) time of the onset of the recording with milliseconds, e.g., mic-1346437545.759.wav.
It is possible to stop a recording that is in progress by using a code component. Every frame, check for a condition (such as key ‘q’, or a mouse click), and call the .stop() method of the microphone component. The recording will end at that point and be saved. For example, if mic is the name of your microphone component, then in the code component, do this on Each frame:
if event.getKeys(['q']):
See also
API reference for AdvAudioCapture