.. _microphone: Microphone Component ------------------------------- Please note: This is a new component, and is subject to change. The microphone component provides a way to record sound during an experiment. To do so, specify the starting time relative to the start of the routine (see `start` below) and a stop time (= duration in seconds). A blank duration evaluates to recording for 0.000s. The resulting sound files are saved in .wav format (at 48000 Hz, 16 bit), one file per recording. The files appear in a new folder within the data directory (the subdirectory name ends in `_wav`). The file names include the unix (epoch) time of the onset of the recording with milliseconds, e.g., `mic-1346437545.759.wav`. It is possible to stop a recording that is in progress by using a code component. Every frame, check for a condition (such as key 'q', or a mouse click), and call the `.stop()` method of the microphone component. The recording will end at that point and be saved. For example, if `mic` is the name of your microphone component, then in the code component, do this on **Each frame**:: if event.getKeys(['q']): mic.stop() Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~ `name` : string Everything in a PsychoPy experiment needs a unique name. The name should contain only letters, numbers and underscores (no punctuation marks or spaces). `start` : float or integer The time that the stimulus should first play. See :ref:`startStop` for details. `stop (duration)`: The length of time (sec) to record for. An `expected duration` can be given for visualisation purposes. See :ref:`startStop` for details; note that only seconds are allowed. .. seealso:: API reference for :class:`~psychopy.microphone.AdvAudioCapture`