(x, y, poly)¶Determine if a point is inside a polygon; returns True if inside.
(x, y) is the point to test. poly is a list of 3 or more vertices as (x,y) pairs. If given an object, such as a ShapeStim, will try to use its vertices and position as the polygon.
Same as the .contains() method elsewhere.
(poly1, poly2)¶Determine if two polygons intersect; can fail for very pointy polygons.
Accepts two polygons, as lists of vertices (x,y) pairs. If given an object with with (vertices + pos), will try to use that as the polygon.
Checks if any vertex of one polygon is inside the other polygon. Same as the .overlaps() method elsewhere.
(flipList, yReflect=0)¶Reverses the vertical mirroring of all items in list flipList
Reverses the .flipVert status, vertical (y) positions, and angular
rotation (.ori). Flipping preserves the relations among the group’s
visual elements. The parameter yReflect
is the y-value of an
imaginary horizontal line around which to reflect the items;
default = 0 (screen center).
Typical usage is to call once prior to any display; call again to un-flip. Can be called with a list of all stim to be presented in a given routine.
Will flip a) all psychopy.visual.xyzStim that have a setFlipVert method, b) the y values of .vertices, and c) items in n x 2 lists that are mutable (i.e., list, numpy.array, no tuples): [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ...]