fORP fibre optic (MR-compatible) response devices by CurrentDesigns: This class is only useful when the fORP is connected via the serial port.
If you’re connecting via USB, just treat it like a standard keyboard.
E.g., use a Keyboard component, and typically listen for Allowed keys
'1', '2', '3', '4', '5'
. Or use event.getKeys()
(serialPort=1, baudrate=19200)¶Serial line interface to the fORP MRI response box.
To use this object class, select the box use setting serialPort, and connect the serial line. To emulate key presses with a serial connection, use getEvents(asKeys=True) (e.g., to be able to use a RatingScale object during scanning). Alternatively connect the USB cable and use fORP to emulate a keyboard.
fORP sends characters at 800Hz, so you should check the buffer frequently. Also note that the trigger event numpy the fORP is typically extremely short (occurs for a single 800Hz epoch).
Parameters: |
()¶Empty the input buffer of all characters
()¶Resets the pressed statuses, so getEvents will return pressed buttons, even if they were already pressed in the last call.
(returnRaw=False, asKeys=False, allowRepeats=False)¶Returns a list of unique events (one event per button pressed) and also stores a copy of the full list of events since last getEvents() (stored as ForpBox.rawEvts)
(fullEvts=False)¶Returns a Python set of the unique (unordered) events of either a list given or the current rawEvts buffer