:mod:`psychopy.visual` - many visual stimuli ============================================================================== :class:`.Window` to display all stimuli below. .. toctree:: :hidden: :glob: visual/* Commonly used: * :class:`.ImageStim` to show images * :class:`.TextStim` to show text * :class:`.TextBox` rewrite of TextStim (faster/better but only monospace fonts) Shapes (all special classes of :class:`ShapeStim`): * :class:`.ShapeStim` to draw shapes with arbitrary numbers of vertices * :class:`.Rect` to show rectangles * :class:`.Circle` to show circles * :class:`.Polygon` to show polygons * :class:`.Line` to show a line Images and patterns: * :class:`.ImageStim` to show images * :class:`.SimpleImageStim` to show images without bells and whistles * :class:`.GratingStim` to show gratings * :class:`.RadialStim` to show annulus, a rotating wedge, a checkerboard etc Multiple stimuli: * :class:`.ElementArrayStim` to show many stimuli of the same type * :class:`.DotStim` to show and control movement of dots Other stimuli: * :class:`.MovieStim` to show movies * :class:`.RatingScale` to collect ratings * :class:`.CustomMouse` to change the cursor in windows with GUI. OBS: will be deprecated soon Meta stimuli (stimuli that operate on other stimuli): * :class:`.BufferImageStim` to make a faster-to-show "screenshot" of other stimuli * :class:`.Aperture` to restrict visibility area of other stimuli Helper functions: * :ref:`psychopy.visual.filters` for creating grating textures and Gaussian masks etc. * :ref:`visualhelperfunctions` for tests about whether one stimulus contains another * :mod:`~psychopy.tools.unittools` to convert deg<->radians * :mod:`~psychopy.tools.monitorunittools` to convert cm<->pix<->deg etc. * :mod:`psychopy.tools.colorspacetools` to convert between supported color spaces