.. _iohub_keyboard: .. module:: psychopy.iohub.client.keyboard Keyboard Device =============== The iohub Keyboard device provides methods to: * Check for any new keyboard events that have occurred since the last time keyboard events were checked or cleared. * Wait until a keyboard event occurs. * Clear the device of any unread events. * Get a list of all currently pressed keys. .. autoclass:: Keyboard :exclude-members: getDeviceInterface, getIOHubDeviceClass, getName :members: :inherited-members: :member-order: bysource Keyboard Events ================ The Keyboard device can return two types of events, which represent key press and key release actions on the keyboard. KeyboardPress Event -------------------- .. autoclass:: KeyboardPress :exclude-members: id :members: :inherited-members: :member-order: bysource KeyboardRelease Event ----------------------- .. autoclass:: KeyboardRelease :exclude-members: id :members: :inherited-members: :member-order: bysource